
Showing posts from April 2, 2017

Honoring God Having Plenty

Honor the Lord with your wealth... With the first fruit of all your crops; then your barns will be overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. The Wisdom Writer: Proverbs 3:9-10 Back in the day when TLOML and I were starting out, we had very little.  Actually we were down right poor.  We qualified for food stamps and other government subsistence.  By the way, we did not take it.  We simply did not feel right doing so; however, we served the Lord, and we took Him seriously:  We honored Him with our meager wealth.  We tithed as the Bible discusses in the Old Testament, as Jesus talked about in the Gospels and even as the writer of Hebrews discussed when he  talked about how Abraham tithed to the Great High Priest of God. Guess what?  God blessed us, and as we grew in God's wisdom, knowledge and understanding, we continued to give Him the first part of our wealth.  The few times we had crops, we made all kinds of f...

Life As An Adventure And Great Journey

6  Trust in the Lord with all you heart and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him,      and he will make your paths straight. Wisdom Writer: Proverbs 3:5-5 Trust may not come easy for some; however, it is key to living a viable life.  On the one hand, a walk that is not a faith walk is an unbalanced stumbling journey.  On the other hand,  trusting in the Lord with all our hearts has a way of changing our lives in ways that cannot be imagined by the nonspiritual human heart.  However, when we faith walk with God, we just might get outside of our comforts zones.  When we faith walk, it might be just a bit scary. When we faith walk, we are doing more than walking by the mere sight supplied by our eyes. So, it's imperative that we cling to what God's ancient and eternal wisdom, as revealed in His Word, teaches us. This is far better than resting the weight of our being on our limited human under...

Multiplying Favor and Growing A Good Reputation

Let Love And Faithfulness Never Leave You; Intentionally Hang Them Like A Necklace Around Your Neck For Everyone To See Inscribe These On Your Heart Watch God's Favor and A Good Reputation Become Your Prize. Inspired By Proverbs 3:3-4 There is something supernatural about God's love being allowed to grow up from within us that we can actually let happen. The same is true of integrity or faithfulness. Once a person becomes a Christ-Follower, by turning from sin to salvation as we place our faith in Jesus, God's truly amazing grace begins to influence our lives.  All we have to do is daily surrender to the Almighty to let this happen. God's new Eternal Covenant makes this clear:  Check out Hebrews 9:12 and learn how God cleanses us from our sins "once and for all" and eternally.  Examine Hebrews 10:10 to see how God actually makes us holy.  Or what about Hebrews 10:14 and following how God makes us "perfect" in God's sight....

Longevity - Serenity - Affluence

... Do not forget my teaching,      but keep my commands in your heart, 2  for they will prolong your life many years      and bring you peace and prosperity . God: Proverbs 3:1 What do longevity, serenity, and affluence have in common? Now this is an interesting question, but the answer may be more simple than most people may think: These three are the byproduct of remembering God's commands, and keeping them (or embracing them) in our hearts. As our verse above says these tend to prolong life. God's right way of living promotes or brings peace to our beings.  And commands are designed to enhance a prosperous way of living. They are designed to bring order to our lives. In other words, there is greater potentiality in improving our overall health, if we practice what God preaches.  In Exodus, the Bible teaches us to remember the sabbath day, for example, and keep it holy.  Billy Graham commented on this on...