What In The World Is Going On In The World?
All around us, and almost daily, some really horrifying things are happening throughout the world in the name of a particular God whom the terrorist themselves call Allah. Evil seems to abound throughout the globe, and there does not seem to be an end in site to all the carnage. Morally people take the lives of their own babies from the early days of pregnancies to the later stages of a pregnancy, even in the ninth month. What use to be called deviant behavior and pure sexual immorality is now being touted as a "civil right." Some are so traumatized by life that they end their life journey by committing suicide. War seems to be everywhere. Earthquakes, famine, malignant growths (pestilence,) sorcery (pharmakeia or drug abuse,) murder, hatred, disrespect for the elderly or any fellow human beings ... all of these abound. Some people in our inner cities are fearful of even walking out there doors because a stray bullet might...