Standing On A Freedom Soap Box
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD! Psalm 33:12 I am wondering and want to ask some questions: Why are "Muslim" countries identified as Muslim, by our religious/political left, when they have a 80% plus of Muslims adherents in their country? I am thinking of the largest so called "Muslim" nation, Indonesia. Yet Indonesia has 26,000,000 Christians living there. How is it that our religious left and political left say the U.S. is NOT a Christian country when 83% claim Christianity (Protestant and Catholic) as their own religion? Yet we only have 4 % other religions, according to a recent ABC poll? And our founders were clearly Christian. These leftist want to deny our Jewish and Christian heritage. Christianity clearly has its roots in Judaism, and we (except for the left), are highly supportive our our Jewish brothers and sisters and the nation of Israel. All reputable studies show this. We respect Muslims as we...