
Showing posts from December 6, 2009

E Factor

E mpathy The last letter of the spelling of a love that will last is E for EMPATHY. To really let love be known this quality must be shown.  Walking a mile in someone shoes to help the one you are loving feel what they feel and determine the best course of action is the right way to choose to love.  Jesus came and did this for us.  The one who knew no pain came to know our pain.  The one who knew no sin came to bear our sin.  The one who had never been tempted came to be tempted in always like we have been tempted yet he never failed so that he could help us overcome.  The one who could not die chose to die so that we could live.  He came that we might have life and have it to the full.  Yet he had to give up the Full life of God to become a man to identify with us was and is his plan. So, I close this spelling of love:   C ommitment, A cceptance, R espect and E mpathy.  When people experience these and give these, the sympto...


R ESPECT Jesus took off robe, wrapped a towel around himself and he washed the disciples feet. R  is the next important part of spelling LOVE as God would spell it. C  = Commitment.   A = Acceptance and  R  = Respect Jesus set the best example of giving respect to those whom HE loves when he stepped down from His Rabbinical Role, put on slaves garments, bowed in front of each of the disciples and washed their smelly & dirty feet.  Here is another example of THE Chief Lover of the universe demonstrating leadership by example:   He loved by living servant leadership.  He respected those whom He loves by serving them. This is what Aretha Franklin sang about.... getting respect. Loving someone is more than getting my rights or you your rights.  Its about loving enough to give up my rights to serve the other person or persons to whom ...