Helping Me Help You Help Others!
Reaching Out For Jesus To A Lost and Dying World: " A Christ Follower Blog" has been around a while, and initially, I only wanted to share God's wisdom, and other encouraging words, with just a few friends and relatives. Over the years, I have been astonished that, even with only a few followers, this blog has been viewed all around the world in both hemispheres. Sometimes people pick it up where it isn't safe to be a Christ Follower. This is encouraging to me, as I seek to lift up Jesus, and love it ... find freedom in Christ and share it ... Dream God's dream, and watch HIM make them happen! You can help me reach out to a bigger population around the world, and as we do this together, we can help people discover a means of even receiving Jesus as Savior, for the very first time, while providing each one the encouraging words needed to help them fulfill their lives, and we can help them be prosperous in their souls. Then too, they can experience the blessing of...