I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you . John 15:15b Face book is a social phenomena, and folks from all over the world are "friending" each other. Some people have literally hundreds of "friends." I have to imagine that the depths of some of these "friendings" are not to terribly deep. While others could be old "friends" who go way back and have fairly meaningful friendly relationships. Still this "friending" stuff amazes me... especially when I see how quickly some can "unfriend" you. Well long before this social media launched, a heavenly experience of Holy "Friending" was made possible through Jesus. In fact, if you check out the ancient wisdom above, this Son of God One with God "friended" us. And He "friended" us in such a Holy/Healthy way that He entrusted- we who are His friends- with "everything" He...