A Christ Follower Respectfully Discussing Replacing a U.S. Supreme Court Justice
What Makes America Great? When God first blessed The United States of America, from our very first days, He did so, as our Creator, by giving us certain unalienable rights: These include, according to our Declaration of Independence , “Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness!” The Creator, of all that is, founded these rights based on the values provided us via Judeo Christian principles, The Ten Commandments and The Holy Bible. All the rewriting of history, that is attempted by secular humanistic thought, or the religion of secularism, that is flooding our our institutions of so called “higher education” will not change these facts; therefore, only when we #MakeAmericaGodly, will we #MakeAmericaGreatAgain ! Important Constitutional Fact Anti Christian Senators Attack People, Especially Women, of Faith! This week, we begin the process of selecting a Supreme Court Justice. One of these persons, in consideration, is a Catholic. And she is a fully qualified candidate f...