HOT COALS & Acts of Random Kindness
Relearning A Lesson From The Love of My Life Today I saw a miracle. The love of my life simply demonstrated an a ct of r andom k indness a few days ago on someone who clearly is angry at us. What do you think happened? More kindness in return? Nah! We got a venomous multi-page hate filled letter. This letter was sent by a present day man - who is putting himself out there as a holy person -- recalling memories from a brain that he said was influenced by drugs -- with which he had been experimenting in his earlier years. TLOMLs kind act was like pouring hot coals on this man's head. Something the Bible says might just happen. So don't expect warm and fuzzies when you practice A.R.K .ing. I have worked a lot with people who have experimented with drugs or outright used them. One of the things that objectively and scientifically has been determined is that memories, during the time of usage, are ...