
Showing posts from August 22, 2021

I Told You So!

🙏🙏🙏  I Am Praying For All Who Read This To Really Hear What I Say! Everything I said would happen, in Rock Solid Living In A Quicksand World-Rewind is happening NOW! Jesus antidote, "Stepping Stones For Victorious Christ Centered Living" work! 2020 and 2021 are only the beginning of what is coming! Don't take my word for it. Examine, in the pages of this book, what Jesus says! Because what Jesus told us, millennia ago, is coming true before our very eyes! I can safely tell you, "I told you so!" I don't say this to brag. I say this in hopes that you will be enticed to check out this nook book at this extremely low price. During these cultural foundational crumbling times. I see Christ Followers, all over social media, and elsewhere, fretting; yet, if you actually take time to read this book, and you utilize the "Pebbles of Wisdom, " at the end of each chapter, to assimilate Jesus's teachings, you truly can overcome during the collapse tha...