BE Strong: This is God's Will Part One.
Be strong in the Lord, and in His Almighty power (Ephesians 6:10) One of the testimony's I hear way too often, from people who say they follow Christ, is "I am not perfect. I am weak, and I come up short a lot." And they say this like it is some expression of a badge of honor. Yes, more time is spent focusing on being weak, and very little time is spent testifying to the power the Almighty provides we who are His new creations to be overcomers in the Lord. Yet, whether it be Joshua, of the Old Testament, being told to " be strong and courageous ," or whether is be the statement Paul makes here, being strong " in the Lord, and His almighty power," each seems foreign. And transformed Holy living seems impossible. Such thinking is completely foreign to living according to the will of God. Keep this in mind, as we continue our discussion regarding living in accordance with the will of God. Keep this in mind as we continue to think about how we might be ...