Intimacy With God #4: The Awesome Thinker.
Psalm 139:17-18 17. How precious to me are your thoughts -- O God? Have vast is the sum of them? 18. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. Just Thinking I was just thinking one day about these two verses of scripture, and I was wondering to myself, "Self what is God saying to His people, in these verses, especially regarding how up close and personal with us He really is?" Now I am a curious sort of guy; therefore, I began to break it down. Check this out: God thinks about you, and He thinks about me. When you love someone, that is one important thing you do ... you think about them a lot. Your thoughts are not simply any old thoughts. They are precious thoughts. And God is communicating this clearly. Also, when you love someone, who is important to you, those thoughts are thoughts you think continually. This leads us to hearing God say, "Not only are my...