
Showing posts from November 4, 2012

Homeless Veterans

It never ceases to amaze me when I come across the following statistic:  20% of all homeless people are Men and Women who served in our nations military.  In other words, our Veterans are a significant number of people who have no place to be sheltered from the elements.  They likely have only the clothes on their backs and food comes to them from the mercy of others.   Therefore, we are going to attempt to reach out and bring them out of the cold into our Domiciliary, and hopefully we can (after feeding, clothing and sheltering them) help them get their lives back.  I am lookimg forward this Veteran's day weekend to start making a difference in these people's lives for the better.   This always gives me a blessing. SoJourner

What Now???

He works out everything according to THE PLAN, and He brings everything into conformity with His purpose and will.   Ephesians 1:11   The Sovereign God granted " We the People " of The United States of America the right to elect our leaders who will govern us.  We fulfilled our expression of this very precious privilege.  We did this because He has granted us this unique freedom, and it has served us well for more than 236 years.   God reigns, and He has established "The Law of Sowing and Reaping;"   for example like seeds produce like plants: Apple seeds always produce apples. "We The People" have always "reaped what we have sown. "  As President Obama has stated "Elections have consequences." Therefore " We The People " will learn what these consequences will when the time is right to know such things.   It will not take long for us see whether or not we have "Sown to the flesh " or "S own to the ...

A Christ Follower: The Journey: WWJD: If He Were Voting Today???

A Christ Follower: The Journey: WWJD: If He Were Voting Today??? : Sometime ago one of our major denominations began a campaign that was successful in selling bracelets and hopefully motivated people to li...

WWJD: If He Were Voting Today???

Sometime ago one of our major denominations began a campaign that was successful in selling bracelets and hopefully motivated people to live better lives. It was the "What Would Jesus Do" campaign. Well during these Presidential/Congressional/State & Local Campaigns, this is certainly a question Christ Followers (Christians) would do well to ask: What would Jesus do?  Would He really vote for a man who has consistently produced legistlation, since his earliest days, that supports the killing of a baby, not only in the first trimester, but also in the second and as late as the last day of the pregnancy?  Would he really vote for a man who developed legistlation to protect a friend who left a baby to die, after the baby  survived a botched abortion? The President of The United States (and his party) hold o these extreme abortive measures. Keep in mind that Jesus said, of all children, "Let the little children come to me, and don't push them away.  For the...