
Showing posts from September 29, 2013


All throughout the Holy Scriptures we are given guidance to meditation with promises that tell us such things as "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate about it both day and night. Then, when you do so, you will make your way prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8.    In another place, we are encouraged to meditate on noble, pure, good and righteous or positive things of God so that the "God of Peace will abide with us."   Philippians 4:8. Here is one more.  In Psalm 46 we hear these words: " Be still and experience God. "   Sadly the Christian Church has let this kind of "prayer"  be overwhelmed with talking.  That is we talk to God, and then God is expected to listen.  Now don't get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with talking to or with God.  Indeed, doing so is really a good thing; however, with our not encouraging meditation, those who are not Christ-Followers, fill the vacuum that...

Prayers For Pastor Saeed Imprisoned In Iran

  Yesterday, 9/28/13, was a day of prayer for Pastor Saeed, an American pastor imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith. Across the nation – across the world – men and women asked God for His mercy, to save Pastor Saeed: Members of The American Center for Law and Justice team knelt in prayer in Washington next to Senator Ted Cruz. In Idaho, friends and neighbors prayed with Pastor Saeed's family. In Russia, in Brazil, in Israel, and elsewhere, people prayed for Pastor Saeed. Leaders like Reverend Billy Graham, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Senator Lindsey Graham, Representative Trent Franks, Greta VanSusteren, and many Members of Congress spoke out for Pastor Saeed.   Let Me Challenge You To Please Pray and Continue To Pray.   Sojourner