Irma And A Little Prayer "Humor"
Hi Y'all, Well we made it through the storm aka Irma. And we did some serious praying before, during, after and presently praying; however, once again I have learned the importance of really being specific in your prayer, saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Here is an example from a few years back. Some of you remember Hurricane Hugo of a few decades ago. Well I prayed about that like I do now. I always acknowledge that God rules the winds, waves and rain... or something like that ... and that God is always Sovereign God who can answer "Yes" or "No" to our prayers because He knows best. I pray for things like weather fronts steering it. I pray for God to provide upper level disturbances. I pray for windshear to weaken the storm, etc. Well, during hugo all that happened. However, and yet, up north in NC, on the UMC web site, they were praying, when they saw Hugo coming their way, for God to "Keep Us In The Midst of The Storm!" ...