
Showing posts from November 20, 2011

God Speaking

I love you so much that I gave up my only biological Son. He surreneded, by the way, even unto death. Now, if you will believe in Him, you will never perish, but you will share in my life forever. I call this Eternal life. You see, I did not send my Son into the world to condemn you. No, I sent him to save you. NO ONE who believes in Him is condemned. But let me be VERY clear. Turn your back on Him and refuse to believe in Him... Well... You are condemned already,  Why? Because when you refuse to believe in Him. You are rejecting my love and my gift of eternal life. Choose life. Believe in MY Son's Name... It is JESUS! Chose to be forgive. Don't Perish. Acquire Eternal life...  Share In MY life forever! This is what I want just for you.! Don't make the wrong choice! Be forgiven of every single sin today! God Based On John 3:16-18