
Showing posts from March 22, 2009

HELPING VETS & Helping You Have A Healthy Spirituality Part TWO

Before reading this blog entry, be sure to read the previous "part one."    So how do we begin to help a Vet, others who have been traumatized or, even you the reader, begin to gain a healthy spirituality.  A beginning would be to help the person re-frame who God is to them.  I call this  spiritual cognitive behavior.  Let's replace the "unholy" unhealthy scripts (scriptures) in an individuals soul with more "holy" or healthy scripts (Scriptures)   First let's mention a few of the views of God a traumatized person might have :   God is not dependable.  God just let's things happen no matter what the consequences.  God to this person could be viewed as  unkind, uncaring and unreliable.  It would be difficult for a traumatized person to see God as "love."   God certainly would not be someone that would care about the individual or keep the individual safe.   God might be considered a being who abandons "you."  And God would