
Showing posts from January 21, 2018

The Triple "The" Plus

I AM The Way The Truth The Life No one comes to God the Father except through me. Jesus - John 14:6 Things have gotten muddled with a whole bunch of people who report they are a part of the Church. It seems that a  number of Clergy, and some laity, believe that Jesus is only one of the ways to God. His truth is the truth as He, Jesus, sees it, and that life can also be found in multiple ways; therefore, they also, by extension,  disbelieve the ultimate and final word that Jesus speaks when He claims the NO ONE can actually even get to God the Father without coming through Him. Here is what is wrong with this quicksand philosophy: First, if all of what Jesus says here is NOT true, then anyone who says it is not true has to believe that Jesus is NOT telling the truth. Second, If he is not telling the truth, then he is a deceiver. To say this more bluntly, Jesus has to be a liar, if He is not telling the truth.  In  our culture a liar is defined as one...

Crash - Burn - Forgive - Or Wallow In A Pigsty

Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 Letting Go of Control and Forgiving No one can control what others believe, think, feel, want or do. To try to control such behavior will only leave us less than peaceful. Leave  trying to control people to God,  through Jesus.  For He is Lord of All. God is the one " who works out everything and brings everything into conformity with the purpose of His will ." No one else can do this. (See Ephesians 1:11 NIV)  Indeed, it is best to "let go and let God ." Then, God will bring healing, hope and help to your life and mine if we intentionally choose to forgive. Planting - Reaping - Forgiving Each human eventually will reap the harvest of the life seeds each one plants.  God simply expects us to do the right thing, even when no one else is looking. If we let Him, God will  guide us in the hard choices. You and I  will then re...