Jesus Final Answer: Good Grief
My God! My God ! WHY? Have You Forsaken Me? Grief: It is a challenging thing; additionally it can be a gut wrenching thing. Grief comes to each one of us. It's doubtful there is anyone who will never experience it, and that included the Son of The Living God, even Jesus. After hanging and suffering, and listening to those who witnessed His demise, and speaking to His Mother Mary and John, His loss was becoming intense and extraordinarily real. It was becoming very authentic indeed. From the moment of His conception, His relationship with His Father, was just perfect. When God the Father spoke to God the Son, God the Son listened prayerfully and carefully. He spoke the words given Him by the Father. It did not matter if His words were hated, ignored or well received with glee, as He bled and died there and set people free. He only wanted to walk with His DAD in Heaven. Never in the history of humankind had there ever been an intima...