Dedicated To Those Who Feel Unloved
So life hits you head on, and it does not seem like you can feel God anywhere. As a matter of fact, you kind of feel unloved. What's up with that? You feel unloved? Hmmm? Can anything really cause you to BE unloved by God? Here are some things to think about: What if you have some tribulations coming down on you and life is really tough? Can that separate you from the God's love? NOPE! What if you are under duress and you are feeling a bit stressed ? Can that separate you from the love of God? NO INDEED! What if people are hammering on you because you are a Christ Follower, and you are being persecuted to the max? Can that separate you from the love of God? CERTAINLY NOT! How about this: You fall on hard times, and your clothes are getting a bit ragged to the point that you are revealing body parts that embarrass's like you are nake...