The Power Of A "Dawg>"
Somebody, when talking about therapy dogs, once told me, "dog is God spelled backwards." Now to some of you reading this blog it might sound "out there" if you get my drift; yet when you see how the LORD uses people like Kyria and her Paws for people, you will see that HE certainly plans something special when HE brings a dog into your life. I want y'all to check out I do think you will be amazed at the power of God unleashed that provides healing for a broken, weak, ailing, wounded or simply defeated person. I am a personal witness of watching these dogs being trained behind bars. I have seen first hand the tremendous positively divine healing impact this had on these young inmates. I also have experienced the power of a loving dog simply placing his chin on my chest shortly after I had a heart attack. I was "out," and I did not even know he was around, but when we connected I felt life coming back int...