The First Promise Of Satan's Ultimate Defeat.
Back "In The Beginning." In the beginning, when God created all that is, everything was "good." Anything that God created, He stated multiple times as being good. He even once said "very good." Adam and Eve actually had a good thing going with the Creator. And things were rolling along nicely until Satan/The Serpent was able to get humanity to not appreciate all the good stuff: And these ancestral types decided they knew better than the ONE who made everything good for them. They actually had as perfect, or as good, a relationship that any humans could have with The Almighty. Nevertheless this wonderful creation wasn't good enough for them. They had to go for one more thing. And what is so weird about their choice is that God told them they would have some very serious consequences if they chose that one thing. Eve was tricked by the snake, which we now know as Satan or the Devil. But that wasn't enough. Adam also joined her in her sin or in her...