It's All About You????
Thine Is The Kingdom ... The Power ... And The Glory Forever! Jesus Matthew 6:13 Incredible In this age of "me first," the Jesus Prayer , mandated as Jesus' answer to the disciples question, " Teach us to pray as John taught his disciples to pray ," makes it abundantly clear that, IT is NOT ALL about me, and it is also not all about you. I know this is hard to grasp, if you are a human secularist who believes, " I am the Captain of my fate ." Indeed, this is very hard to believe, if you have abandoned the absolute truths of God being over all, in all, through all, and in charge of everything. If you worship your little ole self, a mere creature, rather than The Creator, this is inconceivable; nevertheless, if you truly wish to walk in freedom, as a fully alive person, one of the most freeing -- if not the most freeing -- realities you can ever possess, is we have a benevolent, merciful Creator, Sustainer God who began all things, sustai...