
Showing posts from April 19, 2020

It's All About You????

Thine Is The Kingdom ... The Power ... And The Glory Forever! Jesus Matthew 6:13 Incredible In this age of "me first," the Jesus Prayer , mandated as Jesus' answer to the disciples question, " Teach us to pray as John taught his disciples to pray ,"   makes it abundantly clear that, IT is NOT ALL about me, and it is also not all about you. I know this is hard to grasp, if you are a human secularist who believes, " I am the Captain of my fate ." Indeed, this is very hard to believe, if you have abandoned the absolute truths of God being over all, in all, through all, and in charge of everything. If you worship your little ole self, a mere creature, rather than The Creator, this is inconceivable; nevertheless,  if you truly wish to walk in freedom, as a fully alive person, one of the most freeing -- if not the most freeing -- realities you can ever possess, is we have a benevolent, merciful Creator, Sustainer God who began all things, sustai...

Deliverance From Evil Is Vital: Pray For It!

"Deliver us from all evil." Jesus Okay: Here the Son of God is telling us how to pray according to the will of God, and He is saying, "I want you to pray to the Father, and I want you to ask Him to deliver you from evil. "  Hmmm? Now this is really an interesting prayer request. Does the Son of God, Jesus, really believe in Evil? Let's check this out: His Purpose   Fulfilled Take a look at what the "beloved disciple," John said about this: In 1 John 3:8b we see written, " THE reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the Devil's work."   Now we know Jesus came to save us (deliver us) from the penalty of our sins. And we know that He is the o nly name given under Heaven by which we can be saved from this penalty. (Acts 4:12) However, one thing is very clear there is ONE purpose behind it all that is vital to Jesus, and that is He went through all that He endured to destroy the Devil's work.  And He definitely  succeed...

Defeating Temptation: Being an Overcomer

" Lead us not into temptation " Jesus Praying According To God's Will: Let me set the stage: Here we have the Son of God, and He is continuing to teach us how we should pray. In other words, we are learning about how to pray according to God's will . It's God's will to pray to our Father, and be clear we don't put our earthly father's human frailties on Him. For our Father is a Heavenly being, and He has no flaws. It it God's will we pray for our Father to be revered, feared, held in awe, wonder and mystery. We are to pray for the Kingdom to come. We are to pray that God's will would be done on planet earth precisely like it is done in Heaven. We are to live one day at a time, and we are to pray that God will supply our needs on "This Day." We are to pray for forgiveness, and be fully aware of how we are asking for being forgiven. Then we come today. Temptation Explained In A Simplified Way.   Many misread this p...