
Showing posts from October 14, 2018

Jesus Principle For Deciding Whom To Follow or Lead

As we approach another vital election, it is important to know that Jesus really cares who you follow, and how you choose leaders. He really wants you to experience R ock-solid   E ternal S pirituality  T oday, but this R.E.S.T will be more challenging to experience if you follow the wrong people or elect the wrong kind of people. NATIONAl  DEBT  SKYROCKETING ! With our National debt approaching $21,000,000,000,000 and with us having more than $200,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities, each child today owes about $1.6 million plus (dollars) in back taxes. Indeed, we are facing a financial disaster of unbelievable proportions. FURTHERMORE Additionally, consider our families are  falling apart and being re-defined in sickening ways. Think about how our education system becoming a disaster. Open up your eyes to the fact that many of our mainline denominations are approaching becoming reprobate even apostate.  Many of those in our media are...