
Showing posts from November 22, 2009


A cceptance:   Even while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.   Romans 5:8 A young woman and young man were sitting across from a Pastoral Counselor.  They were together in pre-marital counseling.  A strange thing was being observed by the PC.  These two did not agree on hardly ANYTHING.  If she said something was red, he might just say it was blue.  If he said something was white, she would say it was black.  If she described a square he would call it round, and on politics and faith...  well let's just say they had their on little jihad a going on.  I exaggerate of course.  I would be safe to describe them, however, as a highly conflicted couple who wanted to get married. The counselor was perplexed.  So he asked them, "What are you two going to do when you get married?  It is clear you don't agree on most things."  Without batting an eye the young woman replied, "When we get married I will c...