
Showing posts from April 27, 2014

What Is Who Is A Saint?

SAINTS        These past few days, two former Popes were declared as Saints.  They met the requirements of the beatification process of becoming Saints, and so they are officially declared "Saints" by the Vatican and the powers that be who reside there in; however, this world wide news got me to thinking about the Bible perspective of what constitutes a person being a Saint.        I do know that "While we were (notice past tense) yet sinners Christ died for us." (See Romans 5:8.)  I also know that Paul did not write his letters to the "sinners" in Ephesus or elsewhere.  He wrote to the "Saints."  I am sure a whole lot of them did not feel very saintly, but they were declared as such. Besides, we don't walk by feelings.  We walk by faith in what God says.  Saint is the name for all  Christ Followers,  meaning "holy ones" (which is the rendering in some modern versions—see NLT...