
Showing posts from January 24, 2016

Faith Based Genocide

This purpose of this article is to shine the light on Christian Genocide And Insist The President of The USA Be Proactive. Republicans Candidates and Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton Agree On This. Guest Article: By Tony Perkins Family Research Council When people think of the European Union or Council of Europe, the word “conservative” doesn’t usually come to mind. And yet, they certainly seem so next to President Obama’s one-sided view of religious persecution. While the rest of the West decries the violence directed toward Christians in the Middle East, the White House still stubbornly refuses to call it what it is:  faith-based genocide . Yesterday, our neighbors across the Atlantic widened the gulf between the U.S. and the world by passing a resolution (117-1) about the atrocities taking place against Christians in the Middle East. The measure, “ Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq ,” lays an important framework for a similar vote in the European Parliament ne...