
Showing posts from May 23, 2021

God's Will: "Don't Freak Out!"

  Don't Freak Out! As we keep on keeping on talking about God's will, I am going to briefly step away from the series regarding God's will and "Be Strong In The Lord," and take a look at the most common command in the Bible. Now I am NOT saying it is the most important command, or expression of God's will in the Bible, but I am talking about the most common command in the Bible. God says "Do not fear" or "fear not" 365 times. Now that is a lot.  Here are some examples of when God says this or God might say this today! + DON'T FREAK OUT! You're going to war with giants! +DON'T FREAK OUT! God's going to part that sea, and you just walk through! +DON'T FREAK OUT! I am calling you to share the gospel with your neighbors! +DON'T FREAK OUT! I am calling you away from you family! +DON'T FREAK OUT! One of your children, when they are in their 30s, will abandon you! +DON'T FREAK OUT! You are in the midst of Grandparen...