
Showing posts from June 23, 2024

Stepping Stones To Victorious Christ Centered Living #14 Finishing Well

  Finishing Well The Love Hate Relationship No one can serve two Masters: Either you will hate the one and live the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.  Matthew 6:24 When we think about how Jesus teaches us about processions, this one verse declaration is His bottom lin e regarding stuff. He is saying you may think you can straddle the fence regarding having things, but this is not at all true. Serving God is a beautiful, life changing eternal thing that impacts you for all eternity, and that includes this side of Heaven. Serving Mammon, which is serving money like it is god, is a huge trap. It will weigh you down. Jesus Words Jesus words are forceful, and you may not even believe Him, but that doesn't change the truth. You Can NOT serve money and serve God at the same time.  Now, I am not saying having nice things is sinful, and I don't think Jesus is saying this either. Having stuff is fine but when it has you, the...