The Challenge Of The Risk Taker
Faith is the certainty of things hoped for and the proof of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 When we begin to walk our talk, by faith, rather than only talk our walk, life may appear to be a bit risky: Laugh too loudly "for the joy of the LORD," and you risk that some might critique you as being too boisterous. Dance "before the LORD," (Like David), and you risk being publicly called a fool. Reach out and get involved in another's life, because of your faith, and you risk being rejected. Place your ideas and dreams before the public and your risk being humiliated. Stand for what is right when things are going wrong, and you risk persecution. Speak, as Paul says, "the truth in love," and you risk receiving something quite different from from love coming your way. Risk loving others, and you may not be loved in return. So why should we even want to consider being a risk taker for the LORD? Why would we want to ever step out in faith? One anon...