Heart Talk
Hi, Those who read my blog know that I have been absent a bit from the blogosphere. Seems like my ticker decided it needed some help to keep on ticking; so I found myself in Lakeland Regional Hospital getting some adjustments made so that my heart will be more like an Ever Ready Bunny or a clicking ticking Timex Watch. Some of you all remember Timex??? Don't you? "The watch that takes a licking and keeps on ticking." Well my heart has been taking a licking, and by the grace and power of my loving Creator God, whose Son is Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am still here. God also used a human team of medical professionals to expedite the process, and I thank God for them... especially for the 4th floor Nursing Staff and Clinical Support Staff. Also the SICU folks had to be heaven sent. Chaplain Lynne really helped me make some tough decisions. Then there was one Respiratory Therapist who gave me a CD she recorded. Such a blessing...