The Hebrew of the Hebrews: Yeshua Anyone who knows anything about history knows that the Hebrew people are an ancient and modern people. They outlived many of their ancient contemporaries; for example, when was the last time you talked to a Philistine, Canaanite or Moabite person? Yet, thousands of years ago the Jews/Hebrews interacted with them and were even challenged by them, putting their own existence at risk. The Hebrew still is on the forefront of modern culture, and you can readily hear about the news worthy things they accomplish on a daily basis. Perhaps the most astounding claim to fame they possess is that they view themselves, as does the Holy Bible, as God’s people. There was one, and is one, who came to them and from them with his own astounding claims: His Hebrew name is Yeshua. You all know this person as Jesus. He was named Yeshua (Savior) because he came to save his people from...