Bad News! Good News!
Bad News! Each one of us broke God's law: We put others in our lives as greater priorities in our lives. Our modern day idols take His place. We fail to revere His Holy Name, we even use it disrespectfully. We don't take a Holy rest. No weekly sabbatical We dishonor our parents Many parents dishonor our God by hurting their children. We hate, we murder our babies, and our streets are red with blood. We commit, with regularity, sexual immorality, especially in the heart. People steal, especially our government steals. Lying is pathological and or epidemic We are not happy with what we have so we covet what belongs to others. Some think and teach that people who have must give it to them because they don't have. BREAKING GOD's LAW GOD CALLS SIN. MORE BAD NEWS! T he pay day for sin is death: God Separation From God =Hell. GOOD NEWS G od Is Passing Out Gifts! The Gift of Forgiveness! The Gift of Sharing In Eternal Life ...