The Rock and The Storm
Save Me Lord! Peter --Aka --The Rock Jesus was doing the kind of things that were normal for Jesus to do, as He walked on the water without disturbing the fish. The disciples, including Peter, were in a boat and it appeared to be a bit stormy. BUT they were very safe in the boat. Something certainly got into Peter, and he wanted to be like Jesus. He wanted to walk on the water. So, he decided to ask Jesus, "May I come out there and walk on the water with you?" Or he said something to that effect. Jesus said, "Sure, come on out here." And Peter did just that. Keep in mind, while Peter was in the boat, it was bouncing around like a B-B in a box car. Not only that, but the waves were REALLY HIGH! The Darkness was very real, and he could have easily been frightened in that pitchy little boat bobbing around like a cork in the water. In other words, it seemed to be a stormy event taking place. Still Peter stepped out in the water, and sure e...