He Does and He Will! You Can Count On It!
I know my redeemer lives, and, that in the end, He will live on the earth. Job Do Y'all Remember? Hey do y'all remember Job? You know Job don't you? He is the guy that, when God was having a conversation with Satan, told him that Job was a "perfect man." Yup! Just get out your old KJV of the Bible and you will see it right there. Well, Satan didn't like what God said, and in the end, Satan was given some authority to put the hurt on Job to see if he would curse God and die. Job didn't. As a matter of fact, he did much better than I would do, if I were going through what Job experienced during Satan's all out assault on him. Job Knew What He Knew Job was certain of certain things. In spite of all his suffering, listen in to some of his conversations: "The Lord gives. The Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord . " Or how about this one: "Though He slay me; yet, will I serve Him." Now this fellow c...