The Body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts. 1 Corinthians. 12a When I see what I have seen, When I remember where I have been, it makes me see that I am indeed a very bless-ed man, even when I don't like what sometimes happens... or seems to be "The Plan." Each one of us is an important part of the whole. But without our part, the foundation of "the greater" risks being an event that crumbles, at least when each one does NOT carry their load. So I guess it is important you identify your gifts. And once you identify them, pitch in... Give someone a lift. Help things become "win-win." Without such a work ethic no one ever wins. If you fail to lift what is yours to lift. If you fail to give away what is given to you... Then brokeness will happen in the lives of the one who is a part of THE all... Not only will you be broken but others might even stumble. THEY might even fall. See? It is important to know that you matter as ...