
Showing posts from December 27, 2015

The Word of God Challenge.

     The Holy Bible is a life changing book:  It is Divinely inspired.  It is living powerful and sharper than a two edged sword that pierces to the dividing of our spirit, soul, joints and marrow.  It is a book given to us to make us wise in God's ways of salvation.  It is a profitable book given to us so that we will understand what God wants us to know and what God wants us to stop. The Creator uses it to correct us or correct our course of life. He uses it to keep us on track.  And HE uses it to instruct us in right way living; furthermore,  It's like a lamp for us giving us the light we need to follow Christ.  The WORD lights up our path each day and everyday. If we abide with HIS WORD, we are less likely to stumble through each day. When we meditate on the WORD, Joshua 1:8 tells us that it has a prosperous impact on our very being.  Jesus tells us if we let the seed of the WORD rest in the soil of our hearts that, once it di...