
Showing posts from January 20, 2019

Murder-Mayhem-Mutilation-Millennials-Xers-And Z's

As one who follows Jesus, my heart breaks for America as it slides further towards a path of destruction, while it's foundations crumble. A huge portion of our culture has forgotten what it means to be " one nation Under God! " We have forgotten that we have been " Endowed by our Creator, "and we were given "unalienable rights" of " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We have forgotten what Jesus said about people who harm little children. He said, " it is better for a millstone to hung around their neck and that they be cast into the depth of the sea." (Luke 17:2) However, now in New York State, the Democratic legislature passed a bill, and the Governor signed it. The bill approves the taking of a baby's life, even at the date of birth. If the baby survives a botched abortion, the law allows for it to be left to die or destroyed outside the womb. It also does away with double homicides if a man kills his p...

For United Methodist And Their Property World Wide

Hi Y'all, I hope you will go to this site and view this video. If you need, just copy and paste this to your URL,. How your delegate votes could save local churches millions of dollars.  So, please check this out. God Bless You, SoJourner