Murder-Mayhem-Mutilation-Millennials-Xers-And Z's
As one who follows Jesus, my heart breaks for America as it slides further towards a path of destruction, while it's foundations crumble. A huge portion of our culture has forgotten what it means to be " one nation Under God! " We have forgotten that we have been " Endowed by our Creator, "and we were given "unalienable rights" of " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We have forgotten what Jesus said about people who harm little children. He said, " it is better for a millstone to hung around their neck and that they be cast into the depth of the sea." (Luke 17:2) However, now in New York State, the Democratic legislature passed a bill, and the Governor signed it. The bill approves the taking of a baby's life, even at the date of birth. If the baby survives a botched abortion, the law allows for it to be left to die or destroyed outside the womb. It also does away with double homicides if a man kills his p...