
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

What Is My Purpose

  What's My Purpose? If you are a spouse, parent, grandparent or great grandparent, and you are wondering what your purpose is, I have an idea: Pray for your family members: You may be wondering, " What should I pray? " The answer to your question is fairly simple: Obey Jesus who taught us, "This is how to pray." Then, sincerely pray "The Lord's Prayer." Pray in Jesus Name. There is no better purpose than to lift your loved ones to God in sincere prayer. Resolve to make praying for your family, as well as your loved ones, your New Year resolution. God will take care of the rest. SoJourner

A Big "IF For 2021

  IF   we live by faith in God Almighty, through Jesus, God's Son, who is one with the Father and The Holy Spirit, and if we truly believe God really IS in control, we will more likely live a better life knowing that, "It's not so much what happens to us in life, but what we do with what happens to us." Abiding in the Lord, and He abiding in us, makes a huge difference in our quality of life. SoJourner