
Showing posts from August 23, 2015

The Problem Of Self Guidance

Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in the abundance of counselors there is victory Proverbs 11:14       Go it alone wisdom is limited, and it  results in a greater opportunity to fail.  Even when Jesus sent out His disciples, He did so in pairs.  He gave all twelve the boundaries for their ministry to be, but He then made sure that they did not go it alone. Even the one paired with Judas Iscariot, as well as Judas,  went out with Jesus marching orders as their guide. So to them what was to be done was clear, and what Christ wanted was also clear. If something came up that required thinking about the circumstances, both made the decision based on Jesus' wisdom and guidance. And they did not do it alone.  They did so together.      As the Son of God, Jesus knew all too well what human beings can do when left to themselves to plan and act. So He sent them out together. Being alone can really be challenging...

Rock-Solid Choosing Or Not

One of the great things about choice is that we can choose to  p articipate in a "friendly" discussion  or not. We can choose to be  at peace (which only the Lord Jesus  can provide) or not.  We can care  about people who are determined to be right or not.  And we can  choose to enjoy the comfort of  God, when the storms  of life howl around us, or not. Personally today I choose all the above formers rather than  the  latters because, in doing so, we choose life. This is  what makes  building our "houses" of life on  the rock of  Jesus teachings and grace so wonder-filled.  People  who don't know this awe inspiring  relationship with Christ  will be   unnecessarily buffeted by each imagined or real storm because they have QUICKSAND footing for their journey. ...