
Showing posts from August 20, 2017

What Does God Expect of Me? Love?

Beloved, Let Us Love One Another. For Love Comes From God. And Everyone That Loves Is Born of God And Knows God. Those Who Do Not Love Do Not Know God: FOR GOD IS LOVE The Apostle John 1 John 4:7-8 A few days ago a young woman whom I admire, and who is on the complete opposite spectrum from me politically, asked me a question.  She seemed so distraught, and my heart was hurting for her.  She asked something like this:  "What does God want?" Now, these may not be her exact words; however, I think that I have the spirit of her question .   I responded to her, "He wants us to love one another, but we don't seem to be cooperating with him." Her question is perhaps one of the most important questions any person of faith should be asking right now.  I would only extend her question to ask, "What does God want of me ."  After all, the only person I can come close to having control over is me, myself and I.  And there is no way I can control ...