An Odd Way To Experience God's Will
A Lot Has Happened A lot has happened in my life over the past year or so. My CHF has come to a point where my medical professionals tell me that they advise me to take each day as a gift. Throughout each day, my heart reminds me I am in a not so feeling good place; however, I have discovered God's will in this. I have discovered that what Paul said about this is absolutely true: God told him, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:8b) What God told Paul, though it seems an odd way to discover God's will, is that it is indeed God's will that the Almighty empowers us, even at our most weak points in life. We just have to choose to allow His power to flow. This allows me, each gift of a new day, to live a full life in spite of what the medical professionals indicate is a "death sentence." I may go home to heaven today. May God's will be done; meanwhile, I choose to live. Even The Chinese Produced Virus -- A...