
Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Divine Intersections

Have you ever had a Divine Intersection?  What is that?  Its an occasion when you intersect some one's life where you just know you are going to make a positive difference, and when it occurs... well the encounter is  so uncanny that God surely must have put you with that person in that intersection at the right moment and the right time.  I started praying for these DI's some time ago, and the numbers have increased directly proportional to those requests.  I simply pray, "God please let me intersect someone today that needs a Divine Touch." I do not intentionally pray to get a personal  benefit; however, when I see the DI occur, it "blesses my socks off."  I actually get to see broken lives begin to transform before my very day at a time one step at at time.  Then  I usually sojourn with that person as (Christ's Rep) for quite awhile.  Yup! Praying like this, and getting to intersect the lives of hurting...

The Character Of God In Production Today

Not too long ago a friend of mine and I were simply sharing with each other.  We both have been through some transitional times, and we continually pray for each other; therefore, in one conversation we were talking about The Fruit of The Spirit. Why?  I suppose because the symptoms of encountering the Holy Spirit are so powerful they can help you live when life get's to be a challenge.  Of course most Saints know the parts of the Spirit's  fruit production include the following: Love Joy Peace Long suffering/Patience Gentleness/kindness/ Goodness Meekness/humility Faithfulness/integrity Self Control. Check out Galatians 5:22-23 As we spoke, he said to me "These represents the Character of God."   I was stopped in my tracks by this thought.  To me it was a supernatural statement.  It is also life changing, especially when you consider these to be evidence that the Holy Spirit is within you and The Holy Spirit is growing...