Picking Up The Pieces: A little Self Disclosure and Some Ideas
The latest job report was not so good today. 7.6% unemployment. Wow! If you are one of those folks losing a job or part of one, this has to sting like a scorpion. If the ax all ready fell on you, then you know exactly what I mean. And if you are waiting for the fatal blow on your livelihood, your anxiety level has to be high indeed. Back in the day (You can tell a writer is getting older when he says things like this) For you text junkies... BITD... (1995 to be exact) I went through a build down of my own. I lost just about everything. I lost the job and or ministry I loved more than anything. I had to sell my home, and I had to go do something I dreaded with virtually NO support. What made this worse than anything else is that, like many men, my identity was wrapped up in what I did. I believed this lie completely. So, needless to say I lost my identity; therefore, I began to see myself as a failure. (Yet another lie)... less than other men, (again a lie) I saw n...