Coping With Feeling Inadequate
God makes us adequate as servants of a New Covenant ... Based on 2 Corinthians 3:5 Sometimes in life we feel inadequate or unable to accomplish things for which we believe God has called us. We second guess our gifts, God's graces and our ability to move forward; however, feeling inadequate and being inadequate are not even close to being the same things. Feelings are products of our thoughts, our hormones, the climate in which we live and other influences. Feelings are important: While they are great arbiters for interpreting life and what is going on around us, they are merely symptoms or by products of reality. They are not reality in and of themselves. So, if we feel inadequate, there is a good chance our thoughts are focused more on our liabilities than on our assets.There is a real possibility we are not using the measure of faith with which God has gifted each one of us. I have learned that faith in Jesus, who unleashes transformational grace,...