
Showing posts from March 4, 2012

Feeling Kind Of Sheepish and Needing Help?

Have you ever felt kind of ... well... sheepish?  I have, and when I think of "that" it does not make me a whole lot proud of myself.  After all being like a sheep means I need some body to look after me, and I know that we  do not like being "taken care of."  Or do we? What does a sheep need any how?  We need a Shepherd.  And those of us who are Christ Followers know this more than a little bit too well... or something like that????  I was thinking about this Cosmos in which we find ourselves.  When I really get right down to the real nitty gritty of it, I realize we are not "all that."  Recently I came to the conclusion that , compared to this ole Universe, we are nothing more than a subatomic microscopic particle that is resting on a microscopic molecule... called the earth, which in turn rotates around a speck in the universe we call the sun...BTW:  This sun is invisible to the naked eye elsewhere in the universe; h owever and yet,...