
Showing posts from November 15, 2009


In 1981, I was struggling with what it means to love someone, especially when you are having "one of those days."  A commercial came on TV.  A well know retired Dallas Cowboys quarterback stood in front of a newly cleaned and waxed car.  The question came out, "HOW DO YOU SPELL RELIEF?"  He wrote the answer on the car with a bar of soap.  Those of us who are old enough to remember still know  the answer:  "R-O-L-A-I-D-S." Now, it may sound strange when I heard this commercial I became really upset. I said to God, "GREAT!  We know how to spell "relief" for an upset stomach, but we do not know how to spell LOVE for loving a person we love when things are not going well and we don't particularly like them.  HOW DO YOU SPELL 'LOVE' GOD?'" As I sat in my chair, I actually had the four letters I mentioned in my previous blog come to me, and it has completely changed my life about what it means to love anyone, especia...

What Constitutes A True Christ Follower

Question: How can other people know we are Christ Followers?  Jesus, while on earth, was very concerned about this. He said, "People can know that you are my disciples by the fact that you demonstrate that you love one another."   Quite literally our Christ Follower status is determined by how we relate to our brother's and sisters in the LORD. Question: What is LOVE? Briefly... Biblically speaking LOVE includes 4 things: I will talk about this in more detail at another time. C.  Choice of Commitment:  See John 3:16 & 1 Corinthians 13 A.  Acceptance:  Romans 5:8 R.    Respect Demonstrated:  John 13:1-6 E.  Empathy Applied:  Hebrews 4:15-16 and John 10:10b I will be sharing more later, God willing.  Until then... Y'all be blessed 2 day... especially  2 day. Sojourner