In 1981, I was struggling with what it means to love someone, especially when you are having "one of those days." A commercial came on TV. A well know retired Dallas Cowboys quarterback stood in front of a newly cleaned and waxed car. The question came out, "HOW DO YOU SPELL RELIEF?" He wrote the answer on the car with a bar of soap. Those of us who are old enough to remember still know the answer: "R-O-L-A-I-D-S." Now, it may sound strange when I heard this commercial I became really upset. I said to God, "GREAT! We know how to spell "relief" for an upset stomach, but we do not know how to spell LOVE for loving a person we love when things are not going well and we don't particularly like them. HOW DO YOU SPELL 'LOVE' GOD?'" As I sat in my chair, I actually had the four letters I mentioned in my previous blog come to me, and it has completely changed my life about what it means to love anyone, especia...