
Showing posts from September 2, 2012

Shepherd Promise #8: The Darkness

Even if I walk through the Valley of The Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil...   Have you ever had the experience of going through a dark or seemingly dangerous place in the darkness?  Well that is what the literal "Valley of The Shadow of Death" was really like at the time this promise was made.  Some believe this is the road on which the "Good Samaritan" was  believed to have found the man who had been attacked by thieves. It was a place of thieving sheep thieves and robbers.   Cliffs, caves and corrupt men all existed together in the dark. This  provided  the perfect combination  for evil to  attack the innocent ones who were all ready afraid.  Yes this was a literal place between Jerusalem and Jericho.   Now we may not walk that physical road, but we surely have found some fairly dark places in our journey that we would rather have avoided.  Or would rather avoid today.  At least it would fe...

Shepherd Promise #7: The Leadership Promise

"He Leads Me In The Paths Of Righteousness."     Back when I was a young guy, I ran across a person who told me "You can do it the wrong way or MY way."  Both Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra sang "I did it my way."  Once there was  a person talking with Abe Lincoln regarding the War Between The States: He said, "Mr. Lincoln I believe God is on our side in this war."  President Lincoln responded, "I am not so much concerned that God is on my side.  I am more concerned that I am on God's side."   As Christ Followers, who need God's guidance, it is important we know the mind of Christ... that we be "on God's side."  But how?   This simple answer to the question is found in our willingness to "Seek first the Kingdom of God."  or "Deny ourselves, take up The Cross and Follow" Jesus.  In others words, we can be led in the path's of righteousness by seeking, not the wrong way, but...