
Showing posts from November 22, 2020

Advent #1 Hope and Murphy's Law For 2020

One For The Books   2020   is one year that is for the memory books: It might could be described as   “Murphy’s Law”   on steroids. Y’all remember Murphy and his law don’t you? If he were here today, old Murphy would espouse that   “Anything that could go wrong, at a particular point in time, would absolutely go wrong at the worst possible time that it could go wrong. ” For example, he would say, “ If you have an open face peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and if you dropped it, that sandwich would invariably fall face down .” I suspect that, if I took a poll, many would indeed say 2020 is a “Murphy’s Law” kind of year. Still, this does not apply to the season when we think about the coming of The Savior to Planet Earth. Consider this: During this first Sunday of Advent, we are celebrating the “Hope” that only God can give during times that are, for many people, hopeless. Some time ago, I received from the Lord an acrostic that clearly describes what having a re...

Celebrating Advent, Jesus and New Life!

  Celebrating the Real Meaning of Christmas! Coming soon! Christmas is coming! But before it arrives, we anticipate celebrating its true meaning: We call it Advent. Advent means “coming.” During this time of year we celebrate Christ Jesus  came  long ago, as He was born of a virgin named Mary. He  comes  into the hearts and lives of those who will deny themselves, take up the Cross and follow Him. And one day He will  come  again! One day, during this season, we celebrate a day we have set aside to celebrate His birth, though we don’t really know the exact day of his birth. We call this sacred birthday celebration Christmas ! Important Colorful Symbols The Wreath To celebrate Advent we use important symbols: There is the round wreath. It is a circle, and it represents the eternal essence of God. It has no beginning nor end just as the true and living God has no beginning or end. The wreath is green, and it reminds us of the resurrection life, and etern...