R ock-solid E ternal S pirituality Today Rock-solid Eternal Spirituality Today No Matter What Sin is breaking God’s Law. (1 John 3:4) Sin has a wage or pay day…death. (Rom. 6:23) sin enslaves a person. (John 8:34) But turning from sin, confessing sin and surrender to Jesus, gives freedom, (John 8:36) True Full Life (John 10:10b) and complete cleansing of our hearts and lives, no matter what sin has hold of you. (1 John 1:9) “Confession is Good For The Soul.” Let the Lord cleanse and purify you today: Jesus IS This Great High Priest In God’s Holiest Place. This is a regular spiritual practice you won’t regret practicing. It’s a blessing that will bless you to be a blessing. SoJourner