6 T's For Coping With Trauma
For years I have been a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor with The American Association of Christian Counselors, and I am presently working to become a Board Certified Crisis Response Chaplain. Now I am not saying this to highlight something special about yours truly. I only say this because AACC is leading the way helping folks cope with trauma. Given the events of 12/14/12, where 26 innocent people were needlessly slaughtered... (most were children). The President of AACC, Dr. Tim Clinton, published this very short--but important-- article given to help people get through trauma. And the article specifically points to how to help children. Please consider these words and pass them on.... especially to folks in Connecticut. SoJourner Six “T’s” for Helping Kids through Trauma Togetherness. This is a night where your kids need to have you close. They need to know they’re safe. Pul...